Gda Labelling for Those With Diabetes - Control it With Diabetic Recipes Using These Methods!

Friday, February 20, 2009

When shopping for food it can be hard to make sense of exactly what ingredients are contained within the food. This is especially hard when you are diabetic and have stricter diet requirements. You should look at how much sugar, fat, salt and so on is in any food, and use recipes that are healthy for your condition and use healthy ingredients. It is important that you create recipes that have the correct balance of the different food groups, and to find foods in the supermarket that match your requirements you could look at their GDA labelling.
Most foods will include a system on their packaging known as Guideline Daily Amount, or GDA, which shows exactly what is in the food: calorie count, sugars, fats, saturates and salt. It gives a percentage value of how much of your daily guideline amounts of each of these your food contains. It also gives the specific amount in grams and the number of calories. These guidelines are based on the average adults.
For diabetics it is not useful to go on GDA labels alone. The guidelines are average, and your needs will be different to those of the average person. However, it will be a useful way of measuring what is in the food and whether it is a good option or not.
When cooking food you can use the GDA system to help find ingredients that are suitable for a diabetic diet. In general, it will be safer for you to produce your own meals rather than using ready-meals or other prepared dishes.
You can buy your ingredients based on the GDA system, and use specially formulated diabetic diets to cook meals that you will enjoy and that will be safe for you to eat every day.
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Easy, Simple and Useful Diabetic Recipes - Diabetic Dessert Recipes

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Having a controlled and balanced diet for any diabetic is a must have, but this doesn't mean that you can not eat the foods you enjoy. Being diabetic does not mean that everything has to taste bland and boring, that breakfast, lunch and dinner are times of the day you can't look forward to. It just means you may have to plan a little more and take more time in preparing the food.
Here are some great tasty and easy to make diabetic foods for anyone who is fed up of eating the same foods over and over again.
Do you love cookies? Why not make yourself some diabetic cookies?
Diabetic Cookies
1 1/4 c. water
1 1/4 c. shortening
2 c. seedless raisins
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. cinnamon
Boil all of the above for 3 minutes. Let cool. Beat in 2 eggs. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda, 12 1/4 ground saccarin in 2 tablespoons water. Add to above mix and add 2 cups flour and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
If that's not to your fancy then why not try making a diabetic cake for a special occasion or just because you want to!
Diabetic Cake
2 c. water
2 c. raisins
1 c. unsweetened applesauce
2 c. flour
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
2 tbsp. liquid sweetener
3/4 c. cooking oil
1 tsp. baking soda
1 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Cook raisins in water until water is gone. Cool. Then add applesauce, eggs, sweetener and oil. Mix well. Blend in baking soda and flour. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. You may add walnuts, or artificially sweetened fruit cocktail may be used instead of raisins, if desired. Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes or more.
There are hundreds of different diabetic recipes which are delicious and easy to make, if you want to find more diabetic recipes which sound as delightful as this and more you can receive diabetic recipes straight to your E-mail inbox every single week by just subscribing to my free diabetic recipe newsletter.
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These diabetic recipes are hand picked and have been made before, they taste superb and you can make them too by just subscribing to our newsletter, its free, fast and simple. You can subscribe here diabetic recipes

Diabetic Recipes - How to Adapt Recipes for Diabetics and Benefit From the Positives!

Monday, February 16, 2009

One of the best ways to manage your condition if you are diabetic is to watch what you eat. This doesn't mean cutting out all of your favourite foods and all sugar. Instead it means controlling different food groups you eat, and eating everything in moderation. Cooking your own food is the best way to keep track of everything you eat and is a great way of managing your condition. If you are having a hard time knowing what you should eat, here is some advice on adapting recipes.
You should know firstly that you can still keep eating some of your favourite meals after you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetic recipes that have been specially adapted can be found easily on the internet. These recipes will have reduced amounts of fat, salt and sugar in order to make them a safe choice for diabetics, and should be easy for you to follow.
Using specially adapted recipes if you have diabetes is actually much easier than you think. If you do not know whether certain recipes will taste nice with ingredients modified then just use a ready-made recipe. It may take some patience to try out a few different recipes, but you will soon have a collection of meals that you really enjoy.
In general look for diabetic meals that balance all of the major food groups each day. Try to include good portions of fruit and vegetables, and use low-fat foods (such as low fat margarine) where appropriate. Use diabetic recipes to give you ideas and let you know the kinds of food you can still eat.
They may also include certain cooking tips to make the food healthier, such as grilling foods instead of frying them, to make your condition even easier to manage.
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Carbohydrates in Diabetic Recipes Help Maintain a Healthy and Balanced Diabetic Diet

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You have probably heard that carbohydrates are one type of food that is important to monitor in any diabetic diet. However, there are many myths surrounding what you can and cannot eat, and it can often be hard to know exactly what should go into your food. You will need to monitor your carbohydrate intake alongside all other types of foods for the healthiest diets, and this may mean adapting your recipes and using special diabetic recipes for your meals.
Carbohydrates, once eaten, will break down into simple sugars so will add to the amount of sugar in your body just as eating sweet foods will. You do not need to stop eating carbohydrates, but you should keep an eye on how much you take in every day. When carbohydrates get broken down into these sugars, they all get broken down at different rates, from a matter of minutes, to across a period of hours. This means that certain carbohydrates will raise your blood sugar levels more rapidly than others, which can be confusing.
Diabetic diets should contain plenty of starchy carbohydrates which help to maintain a more constant blood sugar level. You may want to cut down on carbohydrates to some extent, either because they raise your blood glucose levels too high or because you want to lose weight, but it is never advised to cut them out completely. This is a myth and the truth is that anything can be consumed by diabetics so long as it is in moderation. Often this can be helped using simple diet plans and modified diabetic recipes.
Remember to tailor your diet to your individual needs and you will begin to find the foods that are best for you and that you still enjoy. Do a search for some diabetic versions of your favourite meals and you will be sure to find something that suits you.
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Diabetes - a Guide to Eating Well for Diabetics - Diabetic Recipes and More

Thursday, February 12, 2009

When you are diabetic you are not restricted by the myths of 'no sugar' 'no carbohydrates' and so on. Rather you need to make sure that you have a healthy balanced diet. The best way of doing this is to cook your own food using special diabetic recipes, and to bear in mind some simple tips and advice when cooking.
When you are diabetic you should try to eat regular meals each day. This means never skipping a meal, including breakfast. This helps to control blood sugar levels as well as your appetite. Each meal should include starchy carbohydrates which is also a way in which to control your blood sugar levels.
As well as regular meals, you should try to avoid fats and eat more fruit and vegetables. Fruit is a great snack choice in between meals, and you should try to keep your portions up to at least five servings a day. This is easy to do when using it as a dessert, using bigger portions of vegetables with main meals, or eating fruit at breakfast. In the case of fats, you should always choose low fat products where available, and grill or steam foods instead of frying.
Your weekly diet should also include portions of oily fish, ideally two per week. This helps to protect against heart disease due to the presence of omega 3 fats. Sugar can be avoided by cutting out sugary drinks and leaving it out of recipes where appropriate. These are just a few tips for eating well, and are all incorporated into diabetic recipes that you find on the internet. You can still enjoy tasty meals by following these ideas, so find some recipes that you enjoy to cook.
This is a much healthier and cheaper option than buying specially made 'diabetic food' and is often much tastier too!
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Recipes for Those at Risk of Diabetes - Use Diabetic Recipes!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When at risk of diabetes dietary options may start to seem very restrictive. Controlling what you eat to such an extent with monitoring, as well as elimination or reduction of, broad areas of your diet can leave food a seemingly rather bleak prospect. However, there are ways of creating tasty meals easily without too much stress.
There are many good diabetic recipes available on the internet. Most normal meals can be adapted to a diabetic diet, so there is really very little to worry about. Today there is a vast array of foods on offer to help cater for all sorts of dietary needs and thanks to this health-food industry being a diabetic is now easier than ever. If you are cooking for yourself there are a few things to bear in mind when preparing food.
It is better to eat several small meals than to fill up on single larger portions. Eating six times a day instead of three can be beneficial, allowing the body to handle the nutritional intake better. It is also important to control sugar sources to minimize the risk of developing diabetes. Remember that a huge number of things do contain sugar, so it is important to be careful what you are eating. Processed carbohydrates are particularly bad for those at risk of diabetes.
Always check any food you buy that is pre-prepared. This could be an entire pre-cooked meal, or simply a pasta sauce. A large amount of prepared foods now have added sugar, so when shopping for recipe ingredients always check the ingredients label and nutritional information on the packaging.
The best option will be to cook diabetic foods yourself so that you know exactly what is going into your body.
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Managing Your Weight With Diabetic Recipes - Create a Healthy and Balanced Diet to Control Diabetes

Sunday, February 8, 2009

It is extremely important for diabetics to manage their weight to help keep them healthy, and it can be used as a preventative measure before getting diabetes. Of course, it is healthy for everyone to manage their weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but in the case of diabetes even more so.
More than four out of every five people diagnosed with diabetes are overweight, and it is a fact that people who are overweight are at greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Being overweight makes diabetes a lot harder to control, and by losing weight you can help to control your blood glucose levels, your blood fats (including cholesterol) and your blood pressure. There is a lot you can do to help manage your weight, including maintaining a healthy diet.
When it comes to cooking you can do a number of things to help manage your weight, and adapt recipes to make a lower-fat version. There are many specially adapted diabetic recipes available which can help you lose weight in a number of ways. It is generally a good idea to cook using these recipes instead of purchasing 'diet' meals from supermarkets, where you cannot be sure whether their replaced ingredients will do more harm than good.
Diabetic recipes will make use of low-fat products and avoid excess fats in meals by grilling instead of frying, for example. If you are worried about your fat intake then these recipes can be a healthy way of eating great food and of helping you to lose weight along the way.
If you want to help control your diabetes or you want to manage your weight then you can use my free diabetic recipes that you receive weeky when subscribing to my diabetic recipe newsletter.
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Sugar in Diabetic Recipes - Enjoy Your Diabetic Meals With a Little Bit of Sugar

Friday, February 6, 2009

The most popular myth associated with diabetes is that those diagnosed cannot eat any sugar - at all. The belief is that they are only able to eat specially formulated diabetic foods, yet this is simply not true. There may be special diabetic recipes, but they do include sugar. The truth is that diabetics most importantly need to follow a balanced diet.
There are no foods that are completely off-limits to diabetics, so long as they are careful to eat in moderation. Often, sugar-free alternatives will not be the best option where they contain other ingredients that are equally, if not more, unhealthy than the sugars. The best way to start planning for sugar in your meals is to meet with a doctor to discuss your diet.
Once you have been given some advice on diet, you can start to look at your own cooking to make sure that the level of sugar contained in each meal is suitable. In many cases the recipes contained in traditional cookbooks will not be so careful to monitor the amount of sugar contained within sauces and other food. Sometimes it is possible to cut the sugar out of a normal recipe completely, but you may also want to try using specially adapted diabetic recipes.
By using diabetic recipes you can ensure that the sugar levels will not be too high. It also eliminates the problem of worrying whether the other ingredients are safe for your diabetic diet, as all the work is done for you.
The important thing to remember is that you can still eat foods containing sugar, so long as you keep a watch over what you eat.
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